Prior to the corona virus and being in quarantine, I did not really have a schedule. During the week, my days Monday through Friday would consist of snoozing my alarm from 7:30 a.m. until 8:15 a.m., jumping out of bed knowing I again overslept, getting ready, throwing on clothes, and running out the door to work.
I would work at my office that is located about 7 minutes from my house from 9-5 all week. I would then come home, change into comfy clothes, feed my dogs, play with my dogs, make dinner and then work on my blog until I would go to bed at about midnight. If I had time, my husband and I would watch an episode of one of the many shows we were watching.
Pre-Corona Weekends
Pre-corona virus on the weekends, I did not have a schedule at all. I would wake up and just do everything I did not have time to get to during the work week & of course never having time to get to it all.
March 2020
Fast forward to the end of March 2020, when my job was deemed non-essential and we closed the office for an unknown amount of time. Since March, I have been home trying to keep busy. In the beginning, there was no schedule. I would get up and just do the same as the day before pretty much. Turns out you can only organize every closet, cabinet & drawer in your house so many times!
Slowly, I realized that I needed some sort of schedule for myself to stay sane.
The Schedule
In order to stay sane, I came up with a schedule which I am now still doing almost 3 months later with a few tweeks here and there since the seasons have changed from winter to spring and now almost to summer.
- Set an alarm to wake up, otherwise, I would sleep all day long. I require a ridiculous amount of sleep and am a night owl so stay up until forever.
- Do my morning skin care routine -wash & dry, eye cream, lotion w/SPF
- Make the bed
- Get dressed – comfy clothes only is key
- Make my morning smoothie (handful of ice, 1 banana, 1 cup almond milk, scoop of peanut butter, scoop of cacao powder)
- Post on Instagram, engage with followers, post stories, work on blog, and take photos- pretty much anything related to sideofsequins would take place at this time and continue until I felt as if I was done for the day. (Somedays I am working until midnight!)
- Eat lunch around 1:00 pm
- Make coffee – I always look forward to this step around 2:00 p.m.
- After lunch and coffee, I am typically still working on my blog and Instagram
- I will take breaks here and there which is typically playing with my dogs!
- Miscellaneous items and so forth for the rest of the day – includes dinner and catching up on Netflix 🙂
Summer schedule
I love being outdoors so my schedule has changed a bit with the warm weather. I now will sit outside and do lots of my instagram things on my computer and on my phone.
I also like to brainstorm ideas for my instagram and blog while sitting outside. Something about the outdoors is just so relaxing!
Future Schedule
I am not sure when things will go back to “normal”. But I am trying to stay on track until that time! Shockingly, I look forward to my schedule each day, especially the coffee step!
Do you have a schedule too?!
xoxo Jess